I scouted the tiangges to buy the cheapest fashionable watches that I could find. I thought that, with a few hundred bucks, I can buy myself even five wristwatches of different styles and colors that will go with my daily outfits. A wristwatch in a typical neighborhood tiangge only goes for as much as Php150. When I went with my mother-in-law went to Divisoria last year, I was able to buy a watch that was very uso for only 80 bucks but the battery went dead in a week and I had to replace it with one that cost Php100 so I ended up paying more.
Dadijun scolded me for buying cheap wristwatches. He kept on showing his watch that has been with him since 2001 or so. He stressed the fact that buying an expensive, yet reliable, watch is better than buying cheap watches every now and then. I got his point when my latest watch died down on me again lately. My scouting spree for the new wristwatch began. Still, I was not looking for an expensive find. I had a Seiko given by an OFW cousin before and I lost it when I get held up on my way home when I was still in college. The memory still haunts my mind. It's either the fear of losing an expensive property or the fear of being an interesting victim to robbers. Whichever it is, it's still the same banana. As I always advise my friends, "Purdoy look is safer nowadays."
For two Saturdays, I went back to a store in Sta. Lucia East that sells ionized watches. It's like a band with a small digital panel that showed the time and costs Php495. I showed it to Dadijun for some solicited advise and he told me not to buy it. Then last Sunday I watched on Jessica Soho's show that the health benefits of using ionized jewelry is not yet scientifically proven so that watch is definitely out of the list.
Naawa yata ang asawa ko. He called me up yesterday and sent me a picture of watch that was on sale in their Coca-Cola online sari-sari store. He said it's just for 700 bucks and it's strap is made of leather. He showed me two pictures, one was black and the other brown. I chose the latter. It looks classy and casual. It's not that too attractive to snatchers and the like. It's also not that expensive and, most of all, it's FREE! Another gift from the best husband in the whole wide world! (Ehem, halata bang nambola pa? Hehehe!)

I am now awaiting the delivery of my watch. I'm expecting it today or maybe on Monday when Dadijun goes to the office again. My hunt for a wristwatch officially ended yesterday. I just hope that the next wristwatch hunting begins after five years or so.
2 sweet comments:
Well, I 'd have to agree investing in a good-quality watch will save you lots of time and money, really. My watch has been with me since '99!
I hope your new watch lasts long too. What makes it doubly speycial is it's a gift from hub! :D
Well, I 'd have to agree investing in a good-quality watch will save you lots of time and money, really. My watch has been with me since '99!
I hope your new watch lasts long too. What makes it doubly speycial is it's a gift from hub! :D
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