At first, I thought that the problem was a simple incident of name callings and teasings. I let him pour his heart out to me and realized that this is a serious matter. He is stressed out and he tells me that he doesn't have a lot of friends in school. It bothers me that my eight-year old is experiencing this in school when it is supposed to be his second home. All the while I thought he was at his best in school being an achiever and all. He made me cry too. I was hurt and all I can do was to talk to him about it and make him feel better. I choose to let him fight his own battles but I am thinking of writing a strong letter to his homeroom adviser as well.
It's disappointing to know that my son is in class with other mean kids. Still, I feel for the bullies because the behavior is just the result of what they are going through as well. Most bullies come from families who fail to give them attention. So instead of thinking what has happened to these boys, I tend to think about how their parents are treating them. All this thinking is stressing me out too. I just wish that I can benefit from it somehow by losing weight and not needing to take Anoretix.
We'll be heading out somewhere this weekend for a little R&R for our boy. We need to show him more love to lighten up his load and lessen my worries over him as well.
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