Before we bought my Lenovo Y330 in March this year, I was thinking of buying a netbook. First, my budget was only within the price range of netboooks. Second, I wanted a laptop that's light to carry when I'm mobile. My husband rejected the idea and offered to buy the laptop for me. He insisted that I needed a laptop more since my work is online. He said that a netbook will not be able to handle the bulk of my online work and that my computing activities will be too limited.
Now that I think about it, I thank him for proving his point. I got to realize what he meant more when I won a netbook in a blogging contest last August. Yes, netbooks have limited features. That's why we ended up giving the netbook to our son. I get to use it only when I'm away from home and I need to be online. Still, when I need to bring work with me to a coffee shop while doing mommy errands, I still bring my Lenovo.
Take this from me: netbooks are smaller, lighter, and more inexpensive but they are more suited for Internet surfing and light computing activities. It's good for a second laptop or if you already have a PC at home. Go for the laptop if you need to have bigger hard disk space, bigger memory capacity, and a DVD drive.

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