Sunday, August 30

What Happened To My Thesis

I would have graduated from graduate school by this time if it were not for my thesis. For those who do not know, I have already earned 36 units in Masters in Education Major in Language and Literature Education from the University of the Philippines Open University. The only thing that has been keeping me away from my diploma is the 6 unit thesis subject that I haven't taken yet.

It's not my fault, actually. I was prepared. In 2006, I have already completed my thesis proposal about the correlation of reading attitudes and academic performance among students. Unfortunately, by the time I was about to enlist myself for the thesis course, my program underwent a major overhaul and it left me and my other classmates hanging. I grew tired of asking for updates and asking for a thesis adviser. It's been two years now and I've lost interest in my thesis already. I would need a major motivational boost to get interested in finishing it. That will not be in the near future, I guess.

For now, I am concentrating in my online work and learning some SEO techniques. The job is paying me well and it is very convenient so I don't think I will go back to teaching yet. An old friend suggested that I try taking a medical assisting certification course so I can work abroad but I don't think I need that. In the first place, I don't want to be employed overseas. Secondly, I want to focus on what I am doing now and I don't want to get my thoughts scattered. I'm not just the type who delivers something half-baked.

The Day Globe Took Us For A Ride

I received this in my inbox last week.

Clueless as I was, I still took the dare and sent an RSVP. Glad I did because Globe, literally, took us for a ride!

So there I was, dressed up casually because we were made to think that it was an oh so formal event. The invite said M Cafe at the Ayala Museum, after all. Us girls were giddy the night before and we were plurking about our outfit woes.

Image courtesy of Jennie Aspacio.

As it turned out, M Cafe only served as a holding room for the bloggers. Once we were all complete, we were told to go out because we will brought to the actual place of the event. They asked for volunteers to hide Harley Davidson bikes. I rode in the van, hahaha!

Even in the van, I was still clueless of where we were headed to. Although our manong driver showed us the map that showed our destination, I wasn't still able to related it to a Globe product.

We got off and walked inside Handle Bar, a bikers' bar. I felt ridiculous wearing my casual blouse and slacks! Goodness, if only they have told us earlier, I would have worn my maong jacket and jeans! Turns out, that was the total catch of the event. We were taken from the formal atmosphere of M Cafe to the rugged and rocking bikers' bar!

The event was all about Globe Tattoo Youniverse. First, we were introduced to the new Globe Tattoo Prepaid Sim Card that can now cover SMS sending and broadband internet service. We were also introduced to Globe Tattoo's website that they will be live early this week. The site is widget based which may be perfect for total social interaction with online friends. Aside from the Globe Tattoo website, Globe has introduced IMMORTALTXT. Now, Globe prepaid subscribers can enjoy texts with absolutely no expiry date as long as there is a one peso balance maintained. IMMORTALTXT lets Globe prepaid subscribers to send 50 texts to Globe or Touch Mobile numbers plus 10 texts to other networks! Just perfect for my boy as he is not really a heavy SMS user and his monthly load credits just ends up expiring. That means big savings for me, too!

I have yet to try the Globe Tattoo prepaid sim that they gave us during the event. I already have an existing Globe number so I guess I'll be giving it to somebody else. I will post updates once I get to try IMMORTALTXT and the Globe Tattoo website. If you are also a Globe subscriber, you can avail IMMORTALTXT by texting IMMORTAL to 8888 for free.

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Saturday, August 29

Visual Talking: A Fun Way of Writing Sentences

Here's a fun way of saying what you want. When words get in the way, say it with pictures. Visual Talking is a site where you can make sentences out of pictures and send it to your friends' emails.

Earn from posting conversations like this. Join dNeero today!

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Hello, Long Weekend!

Businesses engaged in the travel industry should be rejoicing because it's another long weekend. I guess a lot of families are headed somewhere this weekend. Mine is not since my husband is on weekend duty. Anyway, for those who do not know, we call this Philippine Holiday Economics!

In July 25, 2007, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo signed RA 9492 entitled "An Act Rationalizing the Celebration of National Holidays". The law has made holiday economics official as most holidays (except those with religious significance) are shifted to the nearest Monday or Friday. This August 31, we will be celebrating National Heroes Day but the date really is the original day of celebration.

When the law was enacted, it was received with both raves and rants. Two years after the enactment, people have gotten used to the long weekends that they have actually adapted to it. Take for instance the travel agencies who have already made itineraries revolving on these long weekends. It sure is good business for them.

While you cannot even have Vegas vacations on long weekends, the extra day off has given families more hours to spend with each other. Now that is one thing about long weekends that I am happy about.

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Friday, August 28

Driving and Diabetes

Can diabetics drive? Yes, we can! Diabetics, especially with those whose sugar levels are controlled, can drive. However, there are main concerns to be addressed when diabetics take the wheel. Take for instance the often unannounced incidences of hyperglycemia or hypoglycemia. Our senses and reflexes are greatly affected when our blood glucose hits the extreme low or high levels.

Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar can weaken the senses and even cause a diabetic to lose consciousness. Hyperglycemia or high blood sugar, on the other hand, affects our vision and reflexes. In addition, excessive stress can alter the blood sugar levels.

Although I keep close watch of my blood glucose levels with oral medicine, exercise, and diet, I still feel that I will be safer when I'm on the passenger seat. I do drive, but I limit my driving to near distances and I don't drive at night. I also freak out when large trucks the size of a cross country movers get near my car. I lose concentration completely. My car's a manual transmission automobile and it's hard to change gears when my reflexes go haywire. I guess, I'll be keeping the same set-up until I get a car in automatic transmission which I think will be easier to manage.

I am not aware if there are driving laws associated with diabetes here in the Philippines. In other countries like the UK and Australia, for example, diabetics are required to inform their licensing authority that they have a condition and they are taking medications. In Australia, a diabetic's driver's license is reviewed every five years.

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Another Earning Opportunity

Here's another earning opportunity shared to my by my blogger friend Ruby of Link From Blog! As you know, I have started working from home early this year and so I am in constant search of extra earning opportunities. You can consider Mommy Ruby as my mentor because it was because of her blog that I discovered how to monetize my blogs.

Link From Blog is another blessing for us blogger who want to earn some moolah from our blogs. I hope your forgive me for doing paid posts every once in a while. Be assured that I always make it a point to make quality posts about my diabetes advocacy more often than making paid posts.

To join, just click the image above and it will redirect you to the sign-up page!

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Thursday, August 27

Online Shopping is a Girl's Bestfriend!

I am not much of a shopper but I do get excited when I get the chance to shop. It will just be a few day before September officially starts and, obviously, so is the Christmas season here in the Philippines. To those who do not know me, the Christmas season is the only time when I allow myself to literally shop till I drop.

The only problem in shopping during this season is the traffic, both in the streets and in the mall. Thankfully, technology has given as an opportunity to shop inside the comforts of our offices and homes through online shopping.

Online shopping has made it possible to avoid lining up in long queues behind the check-counter. It has also made traveling to the store unnecessary anymore. It truly saves time and effort. YOu can buy anything you want from shoes to swimsuits.

Hav you tried online shopping, yet? How was your experience? If your haven't tried online shopping yet, why not start now by checking out the latest clothing styles of the season. Let the convenience of online shopping help you.

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Monday, August 24

Diabetes and Foot Care

Diabetics like me try to avoid, as much as possible, having foot wounds. The feet are the most vulnerable parts for wounds because diabetes can reduce the flow of blood to the feet. Simple wounds may turn into serious ones and even by the reason for amputation. This is why I always make it a point to bring a tube of antibiotic ointment and a strip of Band-Aid in my purse just in case I hurt my toes. Also, when I have my pedicure sessions, I don't let the attendant cut my cuticles.

If you are a diabetic, here are some foot care essentials that you should remember:
  • Wash and dry your feet everyday. Use mild soap and rinse thoroughly. Do not rub when drying to avoid friction. Put lotion on the feet and the soles but not between the toes.
  • Always check your feet for possible unrecognized cuts. Just last year, I was almost too late from saving the middle toe of my right foot when I failed to see the early symptoms of a wound. That wound did not even have a cut at first, it was just painful and then a cut developed after a few days. It was probably an ingrown nail. Took two months to heal which is very scary.
  • Use protective, yet, comfortable shoes. Your shoes and socks should let your feet breathe as much as possible. Sweating makes your feet prone to bacteria and fungi. You may want to try using soft Naot shoes.

In the United States, it is estimated that 1 in 5 diabetics has foot problems according to the American Diabetes Association. These foot problems can all be avoided by knowing proper diabetic foot care. Sadly, not all diabetics are aware of these reminders that's why I am posting this list.

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Sports for Diabetics

When I tell people about my condition, I usually receive concerned reactions. There were many times that I had to explain that my activities are as normal as anyone else with just a few exceptions and some additional precautions. Sport activities are actually recommended for diabetics as part of our exercise regimen.

As how any form of exercise helps us in managing diabetes, engaging in sports also helps us in many ways. These include:
  • helping the body effectively use insulin;
  • burning calories;
  • building muscles and strengthening the bones;
  • lessening the risk of complications and heart disease;
  • increasing energy levels; and,
  • lowering stress and tension.

Although I am not into any sport activity at present, I would like to go back to playing badminton or a new sport. For the longest time, my husband and I have been planning of finally using his golf clubs. I think golf is a good sport for diabetics because it does involve a good deal of walking and it's not that stressful and tiring. In fact, pro golfers Kelli Kuehne and Michelle McGann are diabetics.

I am not actually aspiring to be a pro golfer and play in Myrtle beach golf course but a golfing vacation would be a very good idea, don't you think?

Sunday, August 23

Waterless Days

If we have known earlier that our water supply here in our location will not be that abundant, we might have made second thoughts in buying our house. Well, actually, I think ours is just an isolated case. You see, our water supply comes from the local water company but it is coursed through our village administrator. The village administrator adds up maintenance fees and village dues to our bill. This is really not much of a problem for me if only we are not experiencing problems with our water supply.

In the beginning, we have only experienced troubles with our water supply during the summer season. After a few months, we experienced water shortage in the morning probably because most of the neighbors are taking a bath and preparing for work and school. We still experience these periods of shortage up to now.

We have showers both in the first floor and second floor bathrooms but we seldom use them because of this problem. Instead of planning to install a bathtub in our bathroom and replace our fixtures with Kohler faucets, we may have to prioritize setting up a water tank and electric pump first. We just need to verify with our village rules if this is allowed.

Do you experience waterless days in your area, too? How are you coping with it?

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My Philippine Travel Wishlist

Starting my travel blog ( has also made me want to see new places and write about them. So far, as per my posts, I have been to places in Luzon the most. I long to see more of the Philippines and blog about them!

My husband and I agreed that we should be visiting more Philippine destinations first before venturing overseas. Here's my Philippine travel wishlist:
  • Batanes. My professor in graduate school once told me that you will forget everything once you're in Batanes. Everything is so serene and beautiful. I would really love to visit this place.
  • Cebu. I'd like to see Magellan's Cross and visit the different historical sites of this city.
  • Palawan. Riding a boat inside a cave sounds like fun!
  • Davao. I've never been to Mindanao. I guess Davao is the best place to make the first visit.
  • Puerto Galera. Oh please, don't laugh. Yes, I haven't been to Puerto Galera yet but this wish will probably come true by next year.
  • Caramoan. The beautiful sands of Caramoan are unfortunately 6 hours away from Naga City that's why we haven't visited it yet. Add to the fact that room rates have tripled now that the place is receiving good publicity.
It sure is nice to be able to visit foreign tourist spots but I feel that our country has a lot more to offer. Only after I have visited these places can I start planning for our out-of-the-country trips.

How about you? Would you prefer traveling outside the Philippines and take Branson vacations than checking out our islands first?

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Writing Unbiased Product Reviews

I was asked to write product reviews in one of my oDesk assignments. The client wanted my reviews to be as unbiased as possible as the website he is setting up will be publishing unbiased reviews. It was my first product review assignment and I was fortunate to be employed by a very understanding and helpful client. I just finished my second assignment under the same client and I am awaiting for the next one. I am now sharing what I have learned from the all those product reviews sites in the internet today.

One thing I learned is that not all product review sites write unbiased product reviews. Most of them are sponsored reviews. Be wary of sites that promote a certain product that has affiliate marketing. Apparently, these review sites are were just set up so they can earn from the referral links that are linked in their reviews.

Secondly, a true unbiased review site should be one that posts actual user comments. How can we be sure that what they claim is true if they do not cite actual user feedbacks. In my product writing assignment, I was tasked to research forums, blog and article comments, and just so we can copy paste actual user reviews.

Lastly, an unbiased product review is one that does not use the usual marketing statements that we get to see in multi-level marketing or affiliate marketing sites. They should be reviewing products and not selling them.

Now, I want you to check out this puristat review and tell me if this is unbiased or not.

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Saturday, August 22

My Boy and His Gadgets

The technology of today is truly amazing! Although most people may think that too much technology lessens personal social interaction, I still think that it is all up to the user to control that. The advantages I reap from technology are more than the disadvantages I encounter.

Take for instance the other day when I cannot even speak a word because my throat is sore but I needed to review my son in Math. So what we did was to conduct our review sessions via Yahoo Messenger, me on my laptop and him on his netbook. I sent him the word problems via chat. He, on the other hand, solved the problems on a piece of paper and replied with his answers. It was quiet yet effective. Plus the fact that my boy got enthusiastic because we were doing something new and high tech.

Other people think that we are spoiling our son with lavish gadgets but we're not. He worked hard for all of them. He did his part by doing excellent in school and we did our part by saving up for his prize. Besides, we're lucky that our son is the type who abides by our rules and regulations. He knows that he can only play video games and watch DVDs during weekends.

By the way, the netbook was the prize I got from winning 2nd place in Goldilocks and Nuffnang Philippine's "You're the 1, Goldilocks" Blog Writing contest. We were supposed to buy my son a netbook once he gets the gold medal in academic excellence by the end of the school year but the blessing came in a little early. I was really eyeing on a netbook to use when I am mobile as my laptop is quite heavy. Now that we have a netbook, I guess I'll be saving for a Sony Vaio P Series! Woot!

Benefits of Brisk Walking

Brisk walking may look like an exercise regimen that does little contribution to keeping fit and healthy but it is not. In fact, recent finding that were presented in the 55th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine suggest that walking is the easiest way to lower blood pressure and decrease obesity. All 14 morbidly obese patients who were studied showed that walking alone can achieve at least 70% of maximum heart rate and that it served as an aerobic training stimulus.

Aside from helping the obese burn fat, brisk walking also provides the following benefits:
  • Releases toxins from the body through perspiration;
  • Improves cardiovascular endurance;
  • Relaxes the mind and fights stress;
  • Relieves backaches and a great treatment for arthritis problems;
  • Tones and strengthens muscles, bones, and joints; and,
  • Enables you to have a good sleep at night.
Brisk walking can be done at least for 30 minutes a day. Use comfortable walking shoes for brisk walking and don't forget to hydrate yourself. Drink at least 10 8 oz. glasses of water when you briskwalk to replace the lost fluids and to help the kidneys in diluting and removing toxins from the body.

I try to brisk walk daily except when I haven't had a good night's sleep and the weather's not cooperating. The downside of not brisk walking regularly is that I have to condition my leg muscles again for the walk. I also find it better to brisk walk with just my pedometer and music player to keep me company. Walking with a buddy makes it hard for me to walk on my own pace. There are also days when I just walk for only 15 minutes but I guess it's still better than nothing at all.

Have you tried brisk walking? How do you find it? Are you already reaping benefits from it? I would love to hear your own brisk walking experience.

Friday, August 21

Fly, Ride, or Drive?

My sister-in-law and her family will be flying home soon and with that we'll be spending our New Year celebration in Naga City. This is the first time we'll be celebrating a holiday with her and the kids. We will also be seeing our new princess, Gabby!

As soon as I got news about their homecoming, I checked Cebu Pacific to see how the airfare to Naga City was. If we were to reserve our tickets now, it will only be less than 7 thousand pesos for our 3 round trip tickets and that's inclusive of taxes. The airconditioned bus to Naga City is now priced at 600 pesos at a minimum and if we get the Lazy boy type, the fare is around 1 thousand bucks per seat. When we took the car a few months ago, we had to fill our tank with more than 3 thousand bucks of gasoline.

Although the driving option is the cheapest, it's the least preferred in my list because it means that I will be the navigator for the entire 8-hour drive. Having gps systems here in the country has not happened yet. It would surely be a big help for me.

We haven't purchased our plane tickets yet but I guess we will need to arrive at a decision ASAP. What do you think? Should we fly, ride, or drive?

Moving Out Essentials

I just finished talking to my sister over the phone and she shared the good news that they may be already leaving for Australia in February. I am so happy for her and her husband because the migration is really part of their long-term plan. Now, the problem is they've already been married for more than a year and over that period they have acquired some appliances and furniture. She told me she's not keen on selling her desktop computer and that she'll just be leaving it to my care. But how about their other things? I guess she will have to box the smaller things up and haul them over to my mom's place.

In my entire married life, we have already made three move outs. The last one was the hardest because we had more things to move to the new place. Although the cardboard moving boxes were a big help, we still had to get rid of the bigger furniture that we cannot use in our new place anymore. I remember how happy the garbage collector was when we gave him Ralph's old mattress. At least someone got to sleep on a more comfy place so I don't feel too bad about that.

As much as I am excited for my sister and brother-in-law, I am also feeling anxious on devising the perfect moving out strategy for them.

Thursday, August 20

Litratong Pinoy: Merienda (Snack)

Ang tindahan ng kakanin ni Aling Kika ay kilalang-kilala dito sa aming bayan ng Cainta. Ang bayan daw namin ay kilala daw noon bilang lugar ng may pinakamasarap na mga kakanin. Sa katunayan nga ay kilala ang Cainta bilang Bibingka Capital of the Philippines. Kung kaya naman, kapag pyesta ng bayan tuwing Disyembre, inaasahan na ng lahat ang napakahabang mesa ng libreng kakanin para sa lahat. Masarap naman talagang merienda ang aming mga katutubong kakanin. Masarap na ay masustansya pa.

Bago kayong lahat ay mag-panic, gusto ko lang ipaalam na hindi ko nilantakan lahat ng iyan at masyadong mataas sa sugar at carbohydrates ang kutsinta, sapin-sapin, leche flan, at Coco Jam na iyan. Tumikim-tikim lang ng kaunti. Kayo naman, minsan lang. Pagbigyan niyo na! Hehehe!

Aling Kika's Food Products store is well-known in our town of Cainta. Cainta is known to be the Bibingka Capital of the Philippines. Every December during our town fiesta, all the locals expect a spread of various native delicacies that is free for everyone. Truly, our native delicacies are yummy snacks that are not only delicious but healthy as well.

Before everyone of you panic, I'd just like everyone to know that I did not eat everything up. I cannot eat too much kutsinta, sapin-sapin, leche flan, and coco jam since these foods are rich in sugar and carbohydrates. I only had a few bites of each! Yum!

Tuesday, August 18

Colon Cleansing for Diabetics?

My interest in researching about colon cleansing and color cancer has been revived with the recent passing of former president Cory Aquino. It got me concerned because I learned that colon cancer may be avoided with a colon cleansing procedure.

Colon cleansing removes the toxins and fecal plaque that builds up in the colon. Some write-ups say that it is the best line of defense against diseases and life-threatening conditions. Now, my concern is this: Is colon cleansing safe for diabetics?

Colon cleansing involves detoxification. However, there is not just one process in colon cleansing as customized methods may be needed by different people. Some common colon cleansing techniques include enema, irrigation, herbal supplements, a high-fiber diet and exercise. Take a look at some colon cleansing products from this colon cleanse reviews site.

While some of the methods are natural and non-invasive, I think I would still need to find out if these are safe for me. There are still no reputable studies made on how colon cleansing may help diabetics and until there is one, I will stick with the high fiber diet and exercise that I am already doing.

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Thursday, August 13

Litratong Pinoy: Tanghalian (Lunch)

Wala nang sasarap pa sa tanghaliang hindi lang ikaw ang nagluto kundi ikaw pa ang humuli!

Kahit na masaklap ang katotohanang nagbayad pa kami para lang humuli ng mga tilapiang ito ay ayos na rin. Sa una'y talagang maghihintay ka ng medyo matagal. Idagdag pa na hindi pwedeng malikot kundi'y gagalaw ang pisi sa ilalim ng tubig at lalayo ang mga isda.

Pero tanggal lahat ng pagod at paghihirap kapag nakahuli na. Ang sarap pa ng tawanan at asaran sa kung sinong may pinakamaliit na isda. Kita niyo nga, natalo pa ng aking anak ang kanyang Daddy. Ayun, back to the waters ang isda ng asawa ko. Bata pa kasi. Nasa isang kilo rin ang aming huli, tamang-tamang pananghalian ng lahat.

Tsaraaan! Piniritong Tilapia. Sariwa galing sa Fishing Lagoon ng Eco Village, Pili, Camarines Sur. Masarap na kasalo ng sariwang kamatis at sawsawang toyo at kalamansi. Masiram (masarap) kumbaga sa aming mga Bikolano. Tara, kain na tayo.

Masarap din ba ang tanghalian niyo? Ibahagi mo ito sa amin sa Litratong Pinoy.

Nothing tastes better than lunch that you did not only cook but also caught as well. Never mind the fact that we paid a fee to be able to catch the fish. It was all hard work because you cannot move too much so as not to scare the fish under the water. Nevertheless, it was all worth it. We had so much fun laughing at my husband who caught the smallest fish. We had to throw it back to the water. We fried the fish and served it with fresh tomatoes and soy calamansi dip. This photo was taken on our fishing trip to the Fishing Lagoon of the Eco Village in Pili, Camarines Sur. In Bicolano, we say it's masiram meaning yummy!

Is your lunch masiram, too? Share it with us on Litratong Pinoy.

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Wednesday, August 12

Buying AC Filters

I passed by the hardware store last weekend to buy some plumbing supplies for our kitchen sink and I saw a stack of AC filter boxes along the aisle where I was heading to. I was tempted to buy a box for our air conditioner but I did not push through with the purchase. Just like many others, the silent voice inside my head told me that it's not really needed. But is it?

Contrary to popular belief, AC filters are actually essential accessories of air conditioning units. Yes, I know, all air conditioners come with a plastic and net filter that is detachable from the grill and can be washed as needed. Still, that filter is not enough to keep the dust from coming into the unit.

So to convince my self, and yours, of the importance of AC filters, I have compiled a list of reasons why we should buy one now. Here they are:
  • AC filters keep your AC running efficiently. Keeping air free of dust makes it flow in and out of the AC unit effectively and electricity is utilized well.
  • AC filters allow your AC unit to evenly spread the cool air around the home. By doing this, the AC system tends to work efficiently at a lowered thermostat and lowered energy consumption.
  • AC filters lessens the need for repairs. Since your AC breathes in and out efficiently, there will be less chances of damage.
AC filters should be changed as often as needed to prevent indoor air pollution. This is especially needed by homes that are airtight or have poor ventilation. Indoor air pollution may cause allergies and respiratory diseases among the members of the household.

So are you convinced now? Well, I am.

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Monday, August 10

Colored Lancets

I went to the drugstore yesterday to buy my own supply and mother-in-law's diabetic medicines. I also needed fresh lancets so I went to the medical supply section and here's what I found...

Yep, colored lancets! They're inexpensive, too. So I bought 20 pieces of colored lancets for my blood glucose testing tasks.

These colored lancets were sold at only Php 2.25 a piece so 20 pieces of colored lancets cost me Php 45 (less than a dollar). They look cute and made the nervous feeling of getting pricked go away a little. I am glad that they fit in my lancet device. I trusted the sales lady that the size is universal.

When I tested my blood sugar this morning, I got the chance to use one of my new colored lancets. I noticed that the needle was thicker than the previous lancets I have used before. Although it didn't hurt much, I bled a little longer than usual. I guess I have to adjust the needle depth since the needles of these new colored lancets are thicker.

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Saturday, August 8

Lemongrass Juice for Diabetics

I was chatting with Julie, a blogger friend of mine, yesterday at a bloggers event and she mentioned to me that lemongrass juice can lower blood sugar levels. Another blogger friend, Jennie, already told me how she gives lemongrass juice to her son to treat fever. Seems like lemongrass is another underestimated backyard plant. Since it is so easy to cultivate, I became so interested to try drinking lemongrass juice.

I am not fond of drinking hot drinks so I guess I'll be making iced lemongrass juice. I am also thinking of making a lemongrass shake by just combining shaved ice, lemongrass juice and some muscovado sugar in a blender. Not only that, I also found some great diabetic recipes that use lemongrass. I think I need to buy the oven I am eyeing for years now and upgrade my kitchen and dining paraphernalia.

Mother Nature really is amazing. She makes everything available for us. It is only up to us humans to realize that everything we need to be healthy and well is in nature and not in plastic packages.

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Thursday, August 6

Litratong Pinoy: Almusal (Breakfast)

Almusal ang pinaka-paborito kong oras ng pagkain sa buong maghapon. Dito ko lang kasi pinagbibigyan ang sarili kong kumain ng kahit anong gusto ko, matamis man o hindi. Dito pwede akong mag-kanin at mag-panghimagas. Sa tulad kong diabetiko na lahat ng pagkain ay binabantayan, ang almusal ang pinakahihintay na premyo sa pag-iwas sa mga bawal na pagkain sa nagdaang araw.

Ganyan kahalaga ang almusal sa akin. Kamusta naman ang almusal mo? Maaari mo itong ibahagi sa amin sa Litratong Pinoy.

Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day. This is when I allow myself to eat whatever I want be it sweets or not. I can eat a cup of rice and dessert. For a diabetic like me who watches every food I take in, breakfast becomes the most-awaited reward for restraining myself from eating sweets during yesterday's lunch and dinner.

This is how important breakfast is for me. What did you have for breakfast today? Share it with us on Litratong Pinoy.

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Wednesday, August 5

Bayan Ko Sung by Lea Salonga During Cory Aquino's Funeral

Tears were already streaming down my face the moment Lea Salonga sang Bayan Ko (My Country). It was a very heartfelt and hair-raising rendition. Lea Salonga has made every Filipino proud once again.

I had mixed feelings of sadness because of the former president's passing but I also felt pride once again in being a Filipino. The song was a wake up call, at least for me. I hope that all Filipinos share the same realization as I have after hearing the song. Let us remember that it is for us that Ninoy and Cory fought for democracy. I wouldn't probably be writing a blog in the first place if this country is not democratic. Now that Cory has passed away, we should be the ones who are steadfast in defending our democracy.

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Monday, August 3

Work-at-Home 101

I officially became a work-at-home mom when the school break started this year. I left my teaching job and chose to work-at-home so that I can skip going out everyday and arriving home late at night. I already have vision problems as a complication of my diabetes and it becomes especially difficult to see at night. I also had frequent spells of nausea and the daily travel from home to work made my immune system weak. Working at home not only solved these problems but also allowed me more time to manage my household and take care of my son's needs.

How do I do it? First of all, I started to monetize my blogs. Once in a while I write paid posts that pay me a modest amount. I also earn a little through Google Adsense. But these earnings do not even make up the major chunk of my online earnings. I do online web content writing, reviews writing, and data entry jobs. Currrently, I am juggling my time between blogging and my two freelance writing projects. I can say that the pay is good enough for me considering that I do not pay for transportation plus the other perks of working from home.

If you are interested in doing what I do, here are some things you should know:
  • Have a Paypal account. Paypal is an online payment facility that most clients use in paying. Set up an account and link your local bank account for you to receive your dollar earnings in Philippines pesos. You will need your Paypal email when registering in online earning sites.

  • Register your job provider profile in oDesk. A major percentage of my online freelance writing projects are from oDesk. I find the site very secure and this is where you should go if you want to avoid scamming online clients. Prepare an impressive provider profile and take the certification tests to have greater chances of being picked. Apply for jobs and choose between fixed price jobs and hourly jobs. For hourly jobs, you will need to install an oDesk software for work time logs and screenshots.

  • Invest in a reliable computer and hi-speed internet connection. Just like in any business, you should be ready to invest a little. In my case, I bought a laptop with really high specs so it can surely accommodate the bulk of my online work. I am still running on SmartBro though as we do not have DSL providers in our village yet. I am fortunate that my internet connection seldom gets wonky and, when it does, I still get to use my wireless phone as a modem.

  • Assign a work area at home. Although I can work in the kitchen and in bed while multi-tasking, I still have an assigned work area where I do serious writing tasks.

  • Be ready to respond to calls and emails ASAP. Be always online on Skype and Yahoo Messenger. To be more convenient, specify your work hours and our time zone in your cover letter so clients will know when to contact you.

  • Be wary of scammers. Although there is a small chance of encountering scammers in oDesk, you will still need to be on guard especially when you are accepting fixed price jobs. Since there are no time logs, oDesk does not guarantee payment for fixed price job transactions. What I do is that I only choose to apply for fixed price jobs of oDesk Verified Payment Method clients.

Freelance online writing can be a lucrative job but a great deal of time and energy should be invested. What I earn is not that much yet but it's better than earning nothing while at home.

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Saturday, August 1

Saving Up For Sitti

Sitti is our eleven year old Honda City. Technically, she's been with us for seven years because we bought her from a second-hand car shop. When Black Beauty arrived (our Hyundai Tucson), Sitti was assigned to me and we had good times driving around while I was practicing my driving skills.

Lately, Sitti's been in a bad shape. It started with her roof. All of the auto restoration shops that we went to told us that it is common for Honda cars to have problems with their roofs. Honda roofs tend to rust easily because the silicon sealants used eventually break out of the car paint. It started out with small bubbles. Over time, the bubbles popped and became big paintless spots that turned a little rusty. And when it rains, drops of water get inside the car.

We are currently saving up for the repairs. We already talked with some providers who gave us reasonable quotes. We plan to have Sitti's body repainted by Christmastime. If there's still some money to spare, we may add some upgrades to our list. Who knows, we may even affors to have some cold air intakes and filters to keep her engine humming again. When this happens, I'll probably be seeing my husband bring Sitti to the office again which leaves me with the other car. Not bad!

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