The following month, I forgot to pay on time because of my busy schedule. Well, actually, I did pay on time. The only problem was that I payed in a bills payment center. Naturally, the payment was posted a day after.
Lo and behold, I was charged 1,300 pesos as finance charge when the next billing statement came. I furiously called up customer service and they explained that they now charge an interest from the day I made the purchase until I had the full amount settled! It was a new policy according to them. I felt like I was robbed!
So I learned about this the hard way. I now pay my bills a week before due date to avoid the finance charge. I always pay my credit card bills in full, by the way. I make it a point to have a good credit score. That way, I won't need to find an agency that provides free credit score service to know my credit score. I know that my credit rating is good because I pay in full on time.
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1 sweet comments:
I'm new to credit card. I only got my first credit card last April and so far I'm happy with it. I haven't experienced any suspicious or doubtful charges. I do hope that I could also get a good credit score.
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