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Wednesday, January 2

Cleansing the body with barley juice

It's the second day of 2013! Happy New Year!

For most of us, the holiday season has already ended. As you can see, the Christmas season had me tied up with a lot of activities. I haven't written much in the past two weeks, gah! It's not only my writing that was on holiday mode but my diet as well. With all the parties and reunions with friends and families, who would expect me to stick to my diet, right? I know, I'm just making excuses but I hope you bear with me, LOL!

Anyway, I vowed that it will be payback time once the holiday season is over. I'll be back to cutting my carbs, drinking and eating more fiber, and exercising. And since I feasted a lot on meat, I'm also adding barley juice to my diet. the boys and I have started drinking Winners' Barley 30 minutes before our meals to help cleanse our colon.

Winners Barley SNNN

Winners' Barley is a barley juice drink distributed by W1N International. Its tropical fruit flavor makes it more pleasing to drink compared to other barley juices in the market. I have always wanted to try drinking barley but I was told before that it tastes like grass. Winners' Barley doesn't and it tastes yummy especially when cold. It is also mixed with guyabano which is not only high in fiber but in Vitamin C as well.

Barley juice is said to help in cleansing the colon and removing toxins in other parts of the body. It is known to relieve inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, lower blood pressure, prevent cancer, and because of its high fiber content, can also aid in losing weight. So if you using tea tree toothpicks to clean your teeth after a meal, I also hope you consider drinking barley juice to help cleanse your tummy.

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  1. seems like more and more people are joining the healthy living bandwagon and cleansing juices are now slowly becoming  a fad. i have not heard of this product before but this really looks promising. hopefully i can try it soon!

  2. i'm also in a cleansing mode right now. what i do is squeeze a whole lemon and drink it straight with no water before breakfast.  it has only been a week and i don't know for sure if it's doing its job as I still feel sluggish. but my sinusitis cleared.  at least.

  3. I am also back on dieting. I bloated and gained weight through the holidays {ano pa nga ba ang ieexpect? ang daming food!}. I haven't tried barley.. I'm into wheat grass.

  4. Is your family still sticking with this? Have you noticed any changes in your BS?


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